Mar Mediterráneo, esq. Mar Caribe, Plaza Don David, Local 3

Ghost gear

Since 2016, we have collaborated with the government and other organizations to remove abandoned nets. We will continue this effort in 2024.

Acoustic monitoring

Since 2012 we collaborate with scientists to estimate vaquita population.

Ike-Jime fish

We capture fish with hook and sacrifice it with ike-jime technique giving fish a better quality and shelf life.

Mini-tawl for shrimp

In 2022 we tested a 35 feet long mini-trawl net for shrimp. With this new model the average catches were 176.4 kilogram per fishing trip.


Pesca ABC is a grassroots organization based in San Felipe, Baja California (México). This organization is formed by local fishers who are committed with their community and the sustainability of the region.

All members or the directive council are fishers.


Working together to conserve the Upper Gulf of California.

kilos of discarded fishing gear that has been processed at our collection center for recycling or destruction and final disposal
kilos of fish slaughtered with the Ike-Jime technique since 2022
hours of vaquita acoustic monitoring in 2022 and 2023


2023 Report

This report showcases the main results obtained during 2023.

Species Catalog

This is Pesca ABC's catalog of Species from the Upper Gulf of California captured with alternative techniques.

2024 Report on Sea Lions & Gillnets

Report to strengthen the community in preventing and mitigating the entanglement of California sea lions.

More documents here


The fishing community and authorities get unique training to sample strange objects in sea lions

Last October, Pesca ABC and Rescate de Lobos Marinos trained 28 members of the fishing community and authorities from PROFEPA, Mexico's Navy, and Mexico's National Commission of Protected Natural Areas to sample strange objects found in sea lions (Zalophus californianus). 

Learn more >



N+ Year's Special Article: The Challenging Task of Monitoring and Protecting the Marine Vaquita. This article mentions the Ike-Jime technique, an alternative fishing method promoted by Pesca ABC.

Learn more >

Espacio Profundo

Article on training activities and removal of fishing gear from the seabed carried out in San Felipe, Baja California, where more than 6,000 kg of waste were retrieved.

Learn more >


Our ambition is a future in which the marine resources in the UGC are used in a sustainable way, providing welfare and prosperity for the people in San Felipe and their marine ecosystem.

Improve household well-being through the conservation of the marine ecosystem and the sustainable use of fishing resources in the UGC.


We believe that technological innovation is our best ally for the development of fishing systems that allow sustainable fisheries without damaging other marine species or ecosystems.

We believe that the best solution to the human-wildlife conflicts in the region is the development of sustainable fisheries that contribute to human welfare and the conservation of natural resources.

We are convinced that to achieve our objectives we need to work closely with scientists, conservation organizations, governments, and other members of the community.

Pesca ABC wants to inspire other fishers in the region to turn into allies for the solution to socioenvironmental problems.



• Francisco Enrique Romero Orz
• Antonio García Orozco
• Jesús Carlos Samudio Martínez
• José Luis Romero González


• Jorge Torre Cosío
• Luis Fueyo McDonald


• Enrique Sanjurjo, Executive Director
• Felipe Rocha, Field Coordinator
• Georgina Castro, Science Coordinator
• Hannia Molina, Administrative Coordinator
• Nadia Alcantar, Community Monitor
• Catalina Carpio, Community Monitor


• Lorenzo Rojas Bracho
• Liliana Gutierrez Mariscal
• Diego Ruiz Sabio


Your help is very important for us. If you want to support Pesca ABC we have two options.

For grants between 50 to 2,500 USD:

please visit

and press adopt a vaquita, indicating that is a donation to Pesca ABC in the gift message box.

For donations of more than 2,500 USD

please contact our Executive Director